Air coolers and condensers for distribution platform
For this huge project the main target was to achieve the highest global COP of the refrigerating plant.

So, we designed special dual air discharge air coolers and air cooled condensers very efficient in order to grant low fan motors energy consumption and low power consumption of defrost system. The condensers were equipped with adiabatic cooling system to achieve low condensing temperature even during summer when the ambient temperature is quite high.
Country / Town
Poland / Kragola
Logistic centers
Logistic center
Plant capacity
2.520 kW
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
Continuous innovation at the service of the customer: we develop customized and cutting-edge solutions to address the most complex challenges of industrial cooling.
For more informations
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Monday to Friday
8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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