Air coolers and condensers for logistics center

The units realized for -20 °C chambers have been supplied complete of electric defrost, fan ring heaters, insulated drip tray, shut up and insulated inlet hood. These evaporators are purposely realized for low temperatures cold rooms: to foresee shut up and insulate inlet hood grants, during the defrost, permits to maintain the heat and the humidity inside the unit, increasing the efficiency of the process, limiting the rise of temperature in the cold room and avoiding the problem of the potential frost formation on the ceiling near to the evaporator.
All the condensers have aluminium epoxy coated fins: this treatment grants a good degree of protection against saline atmosphere considering that the distribution center was realized near to Murmansk harbour, close to the sea.
Country / Town
Russia / Murmansk
Logistic centers
Distribution center
Plant capacity
283 kW
Freon R507
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
For more informations
Alternatively you can call us
Monday to Friday
8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
to the phone number:
or write to us directly, via email: