Air coolers for dairy industry
For this big project we supplied the air coolers for storage cold rooms with temperature 0/+4°C at one of most important Finnish producer of dairy products.

The main target was to design the air coolers with high efficiency, so in order to reduce the energy consumption we supplied the air coolers equipped with hot glycol defrost and electronic commutated EC fans.
Country / Town
Finland / Joensuu
Food & Beverage
Refrigerazione industriale
Plant capacity
1.020 kW
Propylene Glycol
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
Continuous innovation at the service of the customer: we develop customized and cutting-edge solutions to address the most complex challenges of industrial cooling.
For more informations
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Monday to Friday
8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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