Ammonia evaporators for logict center

The units realized for -28 °C chambers have been supplied complete of hot gas defrost, fan ring heaters, insulated drip tray and shut up. These evaporators are purposely realized for low temperatures cold rooms: to foresee shut up grants, during the defrost, to maintain the heat and the humidity inside the unit, increasing the efficiency of the process, limiting the rise of temperature in the cold room and avoiding the problem of the potential frost formation on the ceiling near to the evaporator.
To employ ammonia as refrigerant means to prefer a solution eco-friendly because it is a natural fluid with GWP equal to 1.
The order also included the supply of single flow air coolers with fans with high static pressure and specials air streamers. This innovative component, that is different form the standard usually employed for axial fans, has permitted to increase a lot the air throw, granting in this way the best air flow possible in the cold room.
Country / Town:
Italy / Landriano (PV)
Logistic centers
Piattaforma distributiva
Plant capacity
2.889 kW
Ethylene glycol, ammonia
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
For more informations
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8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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