Unit coolers and condensers for logistics center

The units realized for -25 °C chambers are made for installation in niche and for this reason they are equipped with legs of support, big drip tray for water defrost, horizontal coil and fans with high static pressure. These evaporators are purposely realized for low temperatures cold rooms and to use water defrost is the best solution because of the high efficiency.
To employ CO2 as refrigerant means to prefer a solution eco-friendly because it is a natural fluid with GWP equal to 1.
The order also included the supply of 4 condensers with EC fans for the chiller cooling the glycol for the cold rooms.
Country / Town
Italy / Mosciano (TE)
Logistic centers
Distribution center
Plant capacity
1.546 kW
Ethylene glycol, CO2
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
For more informations
Alternatively you can call us
Monday to Friday
8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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