Unit coolers for confectionery industry

REFBOX are the combination of condenser and box and they can be considered a smart solution for compact chillers and condensing units assembling. In the box can be easily installed compressors, main electrical panel, economizer, etc. while below the air cooled condenser it is possible to install the liquid receiver.
The evaporator installed in the pre-cold room is double flow: this type of unit is mainly designed for spaces with presence or transit of people because, thanks to their configuration, they grant adequate ventilation avoiding that the air flow run over and bother the employees.
Country / Town
Greece / Veria
Food & Beverage
Confectionery industry
Plant capacity
65 kW
Freon R507
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
For more informations
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Monday to Friday
8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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